Friday, June 10, 2022

Rocky Bottom

We've seen a week of fugly weather days now. Today was no exception.

We hauled anchor in a driving rain this morning, got our fill of more rain en route, and set our anchor again in a driving rain. It's relentless. It felt so good to shut down the engine, crank up the heater, and change out of wet clothing.

The travel today wasn't bad apart from the rain. The swell and chop were sporty at times and the wind was unusually gusty. 12 gusting to 26? But apart from water working its way into every conceivable orifice it was a relatively comfortable day.

Still raining. It was supposed to taper off in the morning, or so the forecast said. I hope it dries a little before I have to plot tomorrow's route. It's no fun doing that in the rain.

When we set our anchor this afternoon, we found it surprisingly challenging to get it to set.

I usually have some minimal boat motion in reverse as the chain is let out and laid on the bottom. Today I might have had a little too much speed for the bottom. No sooner had the anchor hit bottom than the boat practically did a full stop, screeching to a stop and then dragging the anchor bouncing along after us.

The problem no doubt is the makeup of the bottom. In sand and mud, the anchor sets quickly and firmly. No dragging. Rocky bottoms are to be avoided for this reason. The anchor doesn't set well or hold well. I'm guessing that's what we have. The anchor probably initially wedged between two boulders then popped free and dragged along the rocky bottom before wedging again. It's well set now though. Let's just hope it will come up in the morning.

Matt is making walnut chicken for dinner tonight. Yum. Top shelf crew that guy.

Opus arrived shortly before dinner. We invited them over to Quijote for happy hour. Crab cakes anyone?

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