Monday, June 20, 2022


We've got permits! It cost us a day to go from last nights anchorage in Christie Bay to the cultural heritage center in Skidegate and back to Withered Point Cove. We had to anchor off the beach and dinghy into the heritage center. The orientation was interesting if unmemorable. They did send us away with several information brochures that reviews the information, so that's good. They have watchmen scattered through the islands that are there to provide security for the popular sites and information for the tourists like us.

Withered Point Cove is more exposed to the weather than last night's anchorage was, but it protects us from westerlies, and that's what is forecasted for tonight.

Tomorrow we have a long day; sixty-five miles to get us to an anchorage on the north end of the park. Over the next week and a half we'll work our way south through the park to the south end of the archipelago, then head back to the mainland from there. The timing of our departure from Haida Gwaii will aim to spend as as much time here as possible without being delayed by weather. We'll leave early to avoid being late.

Tacos for dinner tonight. We cooked a full kilo of taco meat, so plenty left over.

4am start tomorrow. I'd better get to bed.

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