Sunday, June 12, 2022

A Cove to Ourselves

I'm sitting in a small islet with Kay and Karenn. We had to paddle the dinghy around the island to find a place to step off. The rocks are covered with seaweed, barnacles, muscles, and slime. Kay brought snacks to share, a picnic of sorts. The beauty of this inlet takes the breath away. The tide is out, adding to the rich pallet of colors on display, a spectrum of greens and browns. Trees line the inlet shrouded in mist and fog. Quijote floats in the middle of the bay, the lone occupant on glassy water.

The tide is on the way out and will make life difficult if we wait too long to move the dinghy.

The girls want to continue paddling, but I have a blog post to write, plotter routing to finish, an engine to check, dinner to start. Lots to be done. Skipper stuff the crew calls it. They drop me off at the boat and continue their exploration without me.

Opus is still out. They exchanged crew with me this morning and were going try to find some wind to sail in. It was a pretty light day of wind, so they might be a while.

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